Max rated AC 13.3 amps at 120v which will give you about the same power that you would expect to plug into a household outlet, the EU2000KC2 delivers 2000 watts peak (*please note: peak does not mean continuous) output. It’s powered by a Honda 4-stroke engine that utilizes patented exhaust and muffler technology that make this generator one of, if not the, quietest gas-powered generators on the market today -59 dB(A) at rated load, 53 dB(A) at 25% load.
-Charge any type of batteries (cell phones, lap tops, camera batteries) on a remote location.
-The Honda 2000 can power the following HMI lighting: Pocket Par, 400/800 Joker, 575, 1200 or 2 lights totaling 1600 watts.
-The Honda 2000 can power the following tungsten lighting: 1600 watts or under, 2 lights totaling 1300 watts (2-650 watt tungsten).
– With a dry weight of 21 KG (46.3 LB), the Honda 2000 can easily be handled by one person.